It feels so damn good to be back in Mystic Falls again! Legacies season 2, episode 14 brought the dark, but also the fun. Read on for the highlights!

I’m not gonna lie, I was really excited about this episode going in. I was a little mistaken as to how the noir world was going to be set up, but watching all our faves get to play amped up versions of themselves in such a classically trope-y world was an absolute blast. I think the biggest let down was not getting to see Alaric or Landon in that world, but, like Kaleb, I guess you can’t include all the characters all the time. But I so wish we could.

Anyway, read on for all my thoughts on Legacies season 2, episode 14, “There’s a Place Where the Lost Things Go:”

Jasie anybody?

Okay, so the last thing this show needs is another possible ship, but when we first saw Jade and Josie together in Legacies season 2, episode 12 a VERY long month ago, it seemed like these two were destined to play a role in each other’s story, one way or another. Although, it looks like Dark Josie does not approve, so I’m not sure what that says about Jade as Josie’s love interest long term.

Landon needs a spotter

While I was a little sad that we didn’t get to see Aria Shahghasemi’s Landon in this episode, his presence was definitely felt in Hope’s storyline. But how adorable that he is off somewhere trying to perfect his flying technique. I really hope that there are more abilities coming for him in the near future. I mean, if wolves get to heal, run fast, hear at great distances, AND turn into wolves every full moon (and vamps get all sorts of great abilities, too), there has to be more to being a phoenix than just self-regeneration and flying, right?

Any idea why M.G. was the central character of this shared story?

Is it because he was so excited to help everyone before Emma put them under? I’m just curious if there’s a greater reason. I was glad to see M.G. play a bigger role in this episode, it just surprised me a little.

Has Vardemus been in that locker THE WHOLE TIME?!

I, for one, was really happy to see Alexis Denisof back in action on Legacies, and I really hope we haven’t seen the last of him. His energy just gives something extra to Legacies, and after the events of Legacies season 2, episode 14, “There’s a Place Where the Lost Things Go,” Alaric is going to be in need of an adult ally or two.

So, I’m crossing my fingers that he’ll continue to show up here and there as season 2 goes on.

Chambre de Chasse

We first learned what a Chambre de Chasse was in The Originals, and while this specific version had a few different rules, it’s really nice to see the tradition continue. We’ve had a lot of TVD Easter eggs hanging around, especially because the show is set in Mystic Falls, so it’s nice to see something so specifically linked to The Originals make such a bold appearance.

The hair and costumes in this episode are INCREDIBLE.

Like seriously great work done here. All the ladies had such different and distinct looks. From Emma’s Billie Holiday bangs to Hope’s fleur-de-lys-inspired sweater, I kept finding myself wishing I had the skills to duplicate even one of those looks for Halloween next year.

I also loved what they did for the guys, but let’s face it, the girls’ style rocked this episode. There was something really special happening with Josie’s dress and the shoulder pads that made her waist look even tinier than normal. It all just looked so gorgeous and classic noir. This was such a fun way to do a bottle episode, and it still managed to move the plot forward, too. Bravo to all involved with Legacies season 2, episode 14!

I’m glad Lizzie is self-aware about her using M.G.

I’m glad that M.G. is aware of it, too. He likes being there for Lizzie in her time of need, but he also knows that he has to step into his own and become the hero he truly is.

And this self-awareness for Lizzie is another huge step forward for her character. Seeing how selfish and self-involved she can be is vital to her learning how to put others first sometimes. She’s definitely more aware of it when it comes to her sister, but M.G. is another shining star whose light dims just a bit when Lizzie steps into the room.

Raf is definitely dead… now what?

Yeah, the fact that he’s seeing the Necromancer (in totally ridiculous yet creepy pose, btw) and has a wound stitched up and definitely not healing leads me to believe our resident wolfman is dead, but was brought back by the Necromancer. Now I need to know what this means for his longevity. If the Necromancer dies, does Raf go back to the world of the dead or wherever supernaturals go now after they die?

Jade and Raf’s role in the Chambre de Chasse

Jade was the investigative journalist Raf was supposedly working for. Was this supposed to represent the fact that Raf isn’t just Raf anymore, but a servant of the Necromancer? Or is Jade wrapped up in his storyline somehow, too? Raf’s definitely not working for her, but there’s still so much we don’t know about Jade at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was tangled up in the Necromancer side of things, too, somehow.

Bye bye, Emma?

I’m sad that this seems to be Emma’s goodbye. Hopefully she will reprise her role again sometime in the future, but I will definitely miss her presence in the series if this is it for her. However, if Karen David’s absence makes room for Candice King to step back into Caroline’s shoes and into Legacies for the first time, that I could live with. Only time will tell, though. (But I really, really, really, REALLY hope that Caroline makes an appearance sometime soon!)

Were the words they all saw in the noir world a spell or something?

Liquet. Caecus. Heros. Mortem. Fatum.

The five words we saw that triggered all of them into self-awareness. Vardemus read “Liquet” which is latin for clear. Lizzie read “Caecus” which means blind. M.G. read “Heros” which means man of superhuman strength or physical courage. Raf read “Mortem” which just means dead (definitely a spoiler, lol). And lastly, Hope read “Fatum” which appears to mean either weird or fate.

I’m leaning toward fate on that one. If the words are simply just descriptors of the lessons each of them learned, then that explains that. But I’m curious if the combination of these words could have greater significance down the line.

Josie and Jade didn’t see words. They just died. Interesting.

Damn. Josie’s got some power at her disposal

It definitely seemed understood that sending everyone back through the portal from the prison world was supposed to burn up a lot of the dark magic in Josie. We knew that she had at least some residual dark magic still in her right before our month-long hiatus, but I didn’t think she’d have the power levels that she displayed at the end of Legacies season 2, episode 14.

Choice vs. Destiny

I’m starting to wonder if one of TVD‘s most recurring themes has wormed its way into the heart and soul of Legacies. We experienced a lot of instances of choice versus fate with Elena and Damon and Stefan throughout the years, but Hope’s desperation to be able to choose Landon over everything else makes me think we’re headed toward more discussion of this grand theme.

And that’s it for Legacies season 2, episode 14. Any thoughts to share? Leave them below!