So, no update on the Saltzmans in Legacies season 2, episode 11, but we did get to see everyone else back in action… except for Raf. I think its time he gets back to school already.

As we kinda knew, instead of spending time in the prison world with Sebastian, Kai, and the Saltzmans ( where we left things at the end of last week’s episode), Legacies season 2, episode 11 was all about Hope trying to find a way to get to them (AKA Operation get Alyssa Chang to hand over the Ascendant). Along the way, we got some great new members of the Super Squad, a bit of a reality check for Hope, and a new power for our resident phoenix!

Read on for all our Legacies season 2, episode 11 thoughts.

A boy and his Necromancer

Okay, so the adventures of Chad and the Necromancer are such delightful bookends for this episode. I love that Chad is still Chad, despite being killed and brought back to life by the Necromancer. I know he’s supposed to be there to do the Necromancer’s bidding now, but hopefully, Chad will get to keep his autonomy. I mean, as long as the Necromancer doesn’t force him to do stuff, he should still be in control of his own mind, right? How does this whole necromancy thing work, anyway?

Not cool, Hope. Really not cool.

I love Hope, but what she did with Alyssa Chang in Legacies season 2, episode 11 was really not cool. I mean, she didn’t know that the arrow was going to have Alyssa spilling her crush, but exploiting her feelings to try and weasel the location of the Ascendant out of her was a step too far. Not to mention that it could have driven a serious wedge between our besties M.G. and Kaleb. And it upset Kym, which is so not okay with me.

I get that Hope felt like everything was up to her with Alaric, Lizzie, and Josie out of the picture, but its times like these when she gets a little too self-confident that I worry about Klaus’ not-so-great qualities shining through. He also thought highly of himself, so I don’t want Hope to start forgetting how capable the others are, too.

So none of these boundary spells have roofs?

Seriously, though. While I can understand Hope not casting a roofed boundary spell in the gymnasium when she had just finished cutting off not-Cupid’s wings, I am shooting daggers at Emma/Alaric/whomever is responsible for the boundary spell around the Salvatore School for not including a dome. I mean, ESPECIALLY after they learned that dragons are an actual, living threat. I mean, sure, there aren’t a whole ton of them roaming around or anything, but if dragons are real and can fly, then surely there are a host of other possible Malivore monsters that fly, too, right?

‘I believe in you, can’t you be the one person here that believes in me?’

I know that Wade is not exactly a main character yet. He’s the Legacies version of The Originals‘ Josh from those first few seasons. Josh was this witty, snarky sidekick that helped keep Davina from losing her shit all the time, and occasionally found himself in mortal danger. That seems too the path that Wade’s traveling, and I am totally cool with it.

What I’m not cool with is Wade putting himself down as “substitute Raf” in Legacies season 2, episode 11. Also not cool with him choosing to doubt Landon’s potential phoenix powers when our curly haired muppet baby (sorry, channeled my inner Lizzie for a second there) threw himself at a Qareen last week to prove how much he believed in Wade’s fairyhood.

The theme of this episode was definitely all about people not believing in Landon, that’s for sure. Hope didn’t want to see him try to do anything more than babysit the de-winged monster. Pothos mocked Landon and Hope’s love. Jed doubted the Super Squad that Landon assembled. Kaleb heckled Landon as he tried to bring the monster down with his own arrows. And, last but never least, Landon himself didn’t have enough belief in himself to understand what Hope could love about him.

And he proved them all wrong and came through in the end by using his strengths. I REALLY hope this isn’t setting Landon up for a giant fall. Especially since he really did save the day this time.

I like this new Super Squad

Okay, so, as much as I love the original squad, I definitely want Pedro, Wade, and Druscilla to come back again, soon. And yes, I know Druscilla was mainly there because Hope, Lizzie, and Josie were all otherwise occupied and Landon needed a witch on the squad, but she is too great to be forgotten if you ask me.

And maybe Pedro is a little young to be a regular member, but I need him to be an honorary member at the very least. Until he gets a little older and has a better grip on his powers.

Alaric was totally not okay with Landon hanging around, but is fine with Kym?!

You know, I really hate it when I notice a moment of hypocrisy as blatant as this one, but Alaric was adamant last season that a human was not safe at the Salvatore School. He was so sure, he sent Landon away. But then, he’s totally not at all concerned with a very human Kym being hired on as Dorian’s research assistant? If that was just a little concession made by the writers to get Kym into the school for a couple of episode, I understand, but I really wish Dorian would have had to convince Alaric to let him, a human, have a human assistant. It would have explained a lot.

Handon shippers rejoice

This was a great episode for our epic lovers. Despite Hope’s desperate attempts to convince Landon that he shouldn’t want to be a hero, he comes through and saves the day by embracing his strengths. He’s always been smarter when it comes to outsmarting these monsters, and when you combine that with his phoenix powers, he’s kind of unstoppable.

Landon saves the day, and we get an adorable post-ash bathtub kiss.

And then, we get this especially sweet bonus scene where Hope reveals why she values Landon’s love so much. And it’s capped with an adorable floating kiss, showing us with undoubted certainty that dying and coming back to life isn’t Landon’s only power as a phoenix.

And now we’ve seen the golden arrow…

So, the golden arrow wasn’t one from Pothos’ quiver, but was hanging out in the Salvatore School armory the whole time, and apparently Pothos wanted it in return for offering his services to the Necromancer. I wonder what power it holds that made Pothos anxious to get his hands on it. Also, now it’s in the hands of Chad and the Necromancer. Prepare for craziness once we get back to the real world again after next week’s prison world shenanigans.

A new hero rises…literally?

So, did anyone else find it sort of ominous that Landon and Hope literally rose off the floor at the end of the episode? Not only did Landon’s hero-dom kind of come in handy in Legacies season 2, episode 11, but he LITERALLY rose off the floor. Prophecies are purposefully vague and notoriously tricksy, so maybe this has nothing to do with the prophecy at all, but I found it worrying even as I was delighting in their happy moment.

What did you think of ‘Legacies’ season 2, episode 11?