We’ve already addressed the Hope-is-going-to-be-the-exception-to-every-rule thing, but I think there might be something else at work here…

**Spoiler alert for Legacies 1×08, “Maybe I Should Start from the End.”**

So how about that pretty epic season 1 mid-season premiere? An effing damn good start to what is bound to be a fantastic remaining nine episodes. We are officially halfway through Legacies‘ first season, and I am loving what this show is dishing up week after week.

Last night’s episode took us to Landon as Hope and Alaric follow the magic compass to his side. From Mystic Falls to Indiana and back again, we took a little road trip last night. Seeing Alaric put on his educator-hat for a while was incredibly entertaining (and probably a welcome relief for him as he’s had quite a bit of emotional upheaval in his recent past), but there are definitely a few new questions drifting around in my mind.

Let’s take a look at a few of our newest questions, shall we?

Will we see Seylah again?

Now that we’ve met Landon’s mother, learned why she gave him up, and been clued in to how and why she’s such a mystery, all that’s left is to wonder if she’s gone for good or just for a while. The last time she spent some time in Malivore, she said two years past and then she arrived, covered in dirt, in an empty field. Will it be two years again before we see her?

There’s a lot of unresolved tension when it comes to Seylah, even if Landon doesn’t remember it all. Hopefully Malivore will spit her out earlier than she’s expecting and we will see Hope help Landon piece his memories back together. There’s got to be some way to restore memories, right?

Did anyone else think for a hot second that our three heroes somehow went through Malivore?

I know this was just Julie Plec torturing us (and she does it so well!), but did anyone else think for a few moments in the middle of this episode that Hope, Alaric, and Landon were about to go through Malivore? After Seylah confessed all her memories to Alaric and included the, “I woke up, alone and confused in a field” thing, I definitely spent the entire next commercial break sifting through what it would mean for Hope, Alaric, and Landon if they went through Malivore.

Surely it would be most devastating for Alaric as his girls would forget him, but it would probably hurt Hope quite a bit too, as all her remaining relatives would cease to remember her any more. That would definitely suck. Landon has the least to lose, especially if he would get to keep his memories of Hope since she went in with him, but who knows if that’s how Malivore works.

Was the Malivore fake out foreshadowing?

Was that little fake out (described above) just a cruel trick to make us all think about what it could mean for all our favorite characters? Or could we see one of our main characters falling into Malivore before season’s end? Only time will tell. I really think this is something we’re going to have to return to before we say goodbye to season 1, and it’s currently giving me heartburn just thinking about it.

Why oh why did Hope get to keep her memories?

Supposedly Malivore erases all the memories, so why does Hope remember everything that happened in this episode when Landon and Alaric forgot it all? I mean, we could always lean heavily on the tribid of it all, as Hope is the exception to so many supernatural laws, but something tells me there’s something else at work here.

Hope is the only one who’s been in the Necromancer’s head. Hope recovered the sacred jar which appears to be the next key to unlocking Malivore. Could one of those things have given her the advantage when it comes to her memories? There’s something going on here, that’s for sure.

Did we meet Landon’s dad in this episode?

It seems fishy that this episode ended with a suited stranger standing next to Malivore. He looks kinda important, and Seylah doesn’t know how or when she got pregnant thanks to her time in the great, black pit, so it’s completely within reason to be curious if Landon’s father might have made his series’ debut last night. Hopefully those answers are still to come.

Are we about to dive deep into government-led supernatural mysteries?

Neither The Vampire Diaries or The Originals ever addressed the government knowing about supernaturals. We’ve come across secret groups or companies a time or two that knew about the other-worldly things that exist in this universe, but never anyone related to government. Is this just the beginning of a whole new league of baddies?

There are surely even more questions lingering in your minds after Legacies 1×08, “Maybe I Should Start From the End,” and we want to hear them! Leave any questions you might have in the comments below and let’s see what we can do to make sense of all this mystery.

What questions do you have after ‘Legacies’ 1×08?