It has been a while since we’ve heard what Lea Michele herself thinks about Glee! Check out some of the juicy details she had to say regarding Rachel, season 4 and season 5! (Spoilers ahead!)

THR caught up with Lea Michele who had quite a lot to say about what’s going down in the life of Rachel Berry. Here are some of the highlights we pulled from the article, but be sure to read the whole thing.

On how Rachel will deal with the news of her pregnancy:

There’s a great scene in the first episode between Santana and Rachel and what I love about Santana’s character is that she says it like it is. She’s incredibly upfront and honest and she can smell when there’s something wrong, which is great but she always digs in a little too deep. Kurt (Chris Colfer), Rachel, Santana (Naya Rivera) and Kurt’s boyfriend all get snowed in and decide to have a movie day and we watch Moulin Rogue. What always happens when you get snowed in or stuck somewhere is all the secrets come out. At the end of the episode, Santana finds the pregnancy stick in the bathroom and questions Rachel about it. Rachel breaks down to Santana and it’s such a real moment when she comforts her. It’s a real moment between these two girls who you’ve wanted to be friends for so long and you finally get to see their friendship.

On the big throw-down between Brody and Finn that’s coming up:

Santana tells Finn (Cory Monteith). She smells a rat and calls Finn to come and investigate what he’s up to. Whether or not he’s an escort, Santana thinks he’s dealing drugs, Rachel thinks he’s working as a cater waiter; it could be any of those three things.

On what Lea Michele thinks about Ryan Murphy’s season 4 “cliffhanger” comment:

I don’t know, the only thing I can guess is whether or not Rachel is going to get cast in Funny Girl. I think that’s going to be the cliffhanger: Does she get it or does she not get it? I hope she gets it because in my eyes, I’d love to see her in a show next year in that world of rehearsals, a cast, is she the lead or understudy? That [Broadway] was my world and I’d love to get to play that storyline out next year but I don’t know whether or not it’s going to happen. If I could hope for a potential cliffhanger, that’s what I would hope for and that she would get the Funny Girl role and that would be the storyline for Rachel next year.

Lea Michele’s take on Ryan Murphy’s comments about season 5 taking place in one core location:

I’ve heard of one formula for next year that is very exciting. I have an idea of what it is. It’s new and different than what we’ve done this year. You’ll still get to see both locations because I’m still going to be on the show and so are the kids that are in high school. But who knows what the whole year will be or what the show will morph into throughout the year. It will be very exciting – and I’m not going anywhere!

Would Lea Michele like to see Glee take on Broadway in the same ways Smash does?

Absolutely. Everything that we’ve done so far, whether it was going from a small glee club to a successful glee club to a glee club performing at a competition in New York City to being a glee club and also exploring characters in New York City, sometimes you just have a gut feeling as to what will work on a show and I had a gut feeling that you wanted to see these characters in New York. To see Santana working at Coyote Ugly, Kurt at Vogue, Rachel walking near Washington Square. I can see her in a rehearsal space, on her opening night. It just feels like the correct next step to me.

Lots of very interesting stuff coming up for Rachel Berry and company. We’re surprised at the amount of detail Lea was willing to admit in this interview.

Do any of these details stand out to you? We particularly like that Finn and Brody are going to get in a scuffle! Leave your thoughts about the interview in the comments below!