The Last of Us: Left Behind takes the story and emotions from the original game, packs it into a neat 6-hour package, and utterly blows your mind (this is a spoiler-free review).

Ellie is one of the coolest 14-year-olds in gaming history. She fights, she jokes, she loves, and she matters.

Choosing to focus on Ellie’s backstory while simultaneously showing her struggle to get Joel free from the college incident mixes together a brilliant display of character development and intense gameplay.

The Last of Us: Left Behind’s production team held no bars back in terms of gameplay, voice-acting, graphics, and story. This DLC to the original PS3 swan song The Last of Us will change all that you’ve thought about the game’s universe.

The bombshell in this DLC will leave your head reeling about all of the events that take place during The Last of Us. Simple moments, like Ellie taking Bill’s porn magazine, will become major revelations after you’ve seen the big reveal.

The gameplay in The Last of Us: Left Behind includes everything from turning Clickers onto human AI, to hunting down Ellie’s best friend Riley with a water gun. The contrast between the past and future Ellie in these gameplay moments holds testament to just how well developed the young protagonist is by the time her and Joel reach the Colorado college.

The cherry on top of The Last of Us: Left Behind is its environmental interactions. At one point, Ellie and Riley roam into an untouched Halloween store (we caught that Uncharted Easter Egg, Naughty Dog…), wherein the two friends try on masks and play with a fortune-telling skeleton head. Moments like these bring this DLC to life, and give it not only a longer play-through, but a lasting mental impact.

For a $15 DLC of this caliber, you can’t go wrong with downloading The Last of Us: Left Behind off of the PlayStation Store.

Read our full review of The Last of Us and see why we gave it such a high rating.

Score: 10/10