Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute is a beautiful salute to an iconic film, its creator, and its stars.

About ‘Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute’

30 years after Labyrinth’s release, artists are still looking back on the intricate world that Jim Henson created. Henson was always known for creating both extraordinarily dynamic characters with his puppets, and beautifully real worlds for them to inhabit.

Labyrinth was a perfect example of Henson’s talents and vision coming together to create a completely unique experience. His skills combined with the intriguing duo of David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly made for an unforgettable film that still entrances and inspires countless people.

Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute serves to immortalize Labyrinth even further, by giving the very same artists who’ve been inspired by the maze the chance to put their own artistic spin on it. Well known artists from various industries and sectors came together to pay tribute to both Jim Henson and one of his most beloved creations.

The pages of Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute are filled with beautiful artistic interpretations of the film and its characters and heartfelt commentary from the artists, themselves. The featured artists include Michael Allred, Mark Buckingham, Rebekah Isaacs and David Mack, just to name a few!

Image Credit: Cory Godbey

‘Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute’ book review

Fans of Labyrinth will be sucked right back into the maze before they even open Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute. The striking illustration of David Bowie’s, Jareth, looming over Jennifer Connelly’s, Sarah, is just as haunting, whimsical and beautiful as the film that it represents.

Once you crack open the cover, you’re even further transported into a realm where Goblin Kings rule, clocks have 13 hours and the “bog of eternal stench” is a very real threat. The featured artists have captured so many of the elements of the story and the visuals that fans of Labyrinth still hold dear, even 30 years later.

The art featured in Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute varies greatly in terms of style. There’s something for everyone’s taste included in the book. Are you a big fan of comic book style drawings? You’ll love Jay P. Fosgitt’s work. Prefer a sketch? Check out Hayden Sherman! Are you mostly into digital art? Just try not to obsess over Kelsey Beckett’s portrait of Sarah, pictured below.

No matter your tastes, you might just find your new favorite artist while flipping through the pages of Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute! I know I’ll be checking out more work from Ann Marcellino, Alex Sheikman, Jeff Stokely, and Jonathan Case, as well as a few others.

Image Credit: Kelsey Beckett

The nature of Labyrinth is such that it carries a very different meaning for almost everyone who watches it. Some dismiss it as foolish and don’t find any deeper meaning from the maze, (including, at first, Dave Goelz, who told Jim Henson that it just wouldn’t work) while many find that it resonates with them in a profound way, connecting them to an aspect of their childhood that they desperately need.

The artists’ commentaries littered throughout the pages of Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute show just how much the impact of this film varies. Whether you view Labyrinth as a frivolous, nostalgic jaunt or you see it as a story with meaning as complex as the maze, itself, you’ll find an artist’s perspective to relate to.

While the artists’ experiences with Labyrinth vary greatly, one thing that can be found in every single commentary is a supreme admiration of Jim Henson. When reading through these artists’ statements, I was continuously struck by the kindness and generosity that he showed such a diverse array of creators.

Their recounts of both his talents and his impact on them, whether they had a personal interaction with him or not (most of them did!), left me with an even deeper appreciation for the man, himself, and all of the worlds and characters that he left us with.

Image Credit: Luke Flowers

Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute is, first and foremost, a testament to the film and its creator, Jim Henson, but it also served as an outlet for the artists to praise another one of their idols and inspirations: David Bowie.

You can’t think about Labyrinth without remembering the fascinating Goblin King that Bowie portrayed. With Labyrinth being a testament to both Bowie’s acting prowess and music, this book is the perfect place for the artists to memorialize a man who’s had such a deep-seated impact on art, in general.

Whether you’re a massive fan of Labyrinth, just a huge Jim Henson enthusiast, or simply a supporter of great art, the delightful pages of Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Artist Tribute hold the magic that you’re looking for. Pick up your copy, today!

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