Entertainment Weekly has a new interview with Katy Perry and Robyn who will be touring together this Summer. The interview is unique in that it’s the two singers just talking to one another!

Here’s a sample of the complete dialogue which you can read here:

Katy Perry: I saw you at Coachella. It was hands down the best show that I saw all weekend. Everybody was dancing for their life, like they didn’t have a choice.

Robyn: Yes they did! I’m so happy you were there to see it.

Perry: And you were dancing for your life too! Your dance moves are on another level.

Robyn: I don’t know. It’s on another level of frenzy! But I’m happy people got inspired.

Perry: Everybody felt very free after your show.

Robyn: That’s great. I’m happy you saw it. It was a really great show. It was one of the best shows we’ve had this year. I saw you tweeting about it.

Perry: Coachella is fun. It’s full of cool people who just love music so much.