Robin Williams’ Alan Parrish will have a presence in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, and we’re tearing up just thinking about it.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Jack Black, who will be appearing in the film as Professor Shelly Oberon, mentioned that Alan Parrish (Williams’ character from the original movie) is not forgotten.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle takes place mostly inside the game itself, the same place that Alan Parrish was trapped for decades. They discover what he built during his time there, and all the things he left behind.

Black went on to speak about the plot of the film and how exactly Parrish’s presence is felt throughout the movie. “We’re exploring this jungle and trying to conquer the game; it’s life or death. But while we’re there, we find clues left behind by [Williams’ character Alan Parrish]. He built up a full-blown jungle house, similar to a Swiss Family Robinson situation. It’s like he’s there helping us without actually being there.”

What a beautiful way to keep Robin Williams’ spirit alive in a franchise that definitely got its start thanks to his brilliance and incredible talent.

Are you happy to see that Robin Williams has left his mark on ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’?