The Brothers Grimm: Snow White director Tarsem Singh has spoken up about how Julia Roberts has been handling her new role as the Evil Queen for the film, and he admits it’s been a bit of a challenge for her.

Speaking to Star Pulse while promoting his forthcoming release, Immortals, Singh said:

“No, actually she would play this person and completely come down . . . She would be really mean to Lily [Collins, Snow White in the film] and I remember every time I turned around, she said, ‘That’s like being nasty to Bambi. You just can’t do it.’ So people deal with it differently . . .  A person like Mickey [Rourke, who stars in Immortals] would be like, ‘I think Bambi steak would be good.’ Deal with different things differently. There’s just a certain amount of crawliness that comes into a guy like that who can’t see very well, he’s not wearing any glasses, he’s got a contact in one eye and you’ve given him a spear and he’s holding it next to a girl’s eye. Just like having a child on set, a very big child.”

Have we really ever seen her be plain old mean on-screen before? We’ve certainly seen Julia Roberts in duplicitous roles (Sleeping With The Enemy) and sassy ones (Erin Brockovich), but downright evil? None that I can think of at the moment. Should be interesting then, hey?