Following the successful funding of the Veronica Mars Movie Project – which thereby greenlit a Veronica Mars movie at Warner Bros., Joss Whedon is now responding to endless requests for a Firefly Kickstarter.

Whedon spoke to BuzzFeed and inevitably disappointed those who assumed that since Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas raised the money so easily for Veronica Mars, Whedon could easily do the same for Firefly/Serenity.

“My fourth feeling when I read about [the Veronica Mars Kickstarter campaign] was a kind of dread,” said the Firefly and Buffy creator. “I’ve said repeatedly that I would love to make another movie with [the Firefly cast], and that remains the case. It also remains the case that I’m booked up by Marvel for the next three years, and that I haven’t even been able to get Dr. Horrible 2 off the ground because of that. So I don’t even entertain the notion of entertaining the notion of doing this, and won’t. Couple years from now, when Nathan [Fillion]’s no longer [on] Castle and I’m no longer the Tom Hagen of the Marvel Universe and making a giant movie, we might look and see where the market is then. But right now, it’s a complete non-Kickstarter for me.”

Whedon also addressed the problems with using Kickstarter to raise enough money for a Firefly movie’s production. Namely, much more money would have to be raised. “We come to Veronica Mars to hear her talk and hear her father talk. But Firefly/Serenity, it’s kind of a different animal — and then there’s also the question of what kind of animal it is. Because some people are talking about Firefly episodes. Some people are talking about [a new] Serenity. I think anything we could get off the ground would be appreciated by the fans. But what form it would take is I think under some debate.”

He added that there would also be the problem of making sure it was good. He’d feel “really stupid” if the Firefly Kickstarter was a success but the final project wasn’t quality work.

Do you accept Mr. Whedon’s reasoning? Or should he just go for it anyway once he’s freed up? On Hype episode three, released yesterday, we spoke about the possibility of a Firefly Kickstarter and why we don’t think it would work.