Always one to stand up for women in media whether it’s by creating strong female characters or speaking about them, Joss Whedon is sharing strong words concerning the lack of female super hero movies today.

Asked in a new interview with The Daily Beast why there’s a lack of lead female super heroes, Whedon blamed the toy industry as well as those who are quick to judge past films.

“Toymakers will tell you they won’t sell enough, and movie people will point to the two terrible superheroine movies that were made and say, ‘You see? It can’t be done.’ It’s stupid, and I’m hoping The Hunger Games will lead to a paradigm shift,” he said. “It’s frustrating to me that I don’t see anybody developing one of these movies. It actually pisses me off. My daughter watched The Avengers and was like, ‘My favorite characters were the Black Widow and Maria Hill,’ and I thought, Yeah, of course they were. I read a beautiful thing Junot Diaz wrote: ‘If you want to make a human being into a monster, deny them, at the cultural level, any reflection of themselves.’”

At the end of the interview, Whedon was asked what’s next on his plate and he hinted that he’d be interested in creating a female super hero movie. “And back to the female-hero thing, I’m not going to let nobody do it. It doesn’t have to be me, but it could be,” he said coyly.

Whedon’s plate is currently full with The Avengers 2 in the pipeline for a 2015 release, but what female super hero could Whedon turn into a huge hit? Black Widow is certainly one option, but we wouldn’t be surprised if he felt a connection to another one in the Marvel realm.

Thanks, The Daily Beast.