The Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson is very active in the gay rights community, and now GLAAD will be recognizing him for his efforts.

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation will present to him a Vanguard Award, which is given to those in the entertainment community who’ve made a difference in promoting equal rights.

Organization President Herndon Graddick had this to say about Hutcherson:

“Emerging as a leader in a new generation of equality advocates, Josh Hutcherson has consistently used his platform to help young people understand that no one should face discrimination simply because of who they are. Josh’s commitment to achieving equality for every American is a message he carries in his work both on screen and off, earning him the honor of being GLAAD’s youngest-ever Vanguard Award recipient.”

Hutcherson shot the following PSA for GLAAD’s “Straight But Not Narrow” campaign a couple years ago:

Thanks to Digital Spy.