With the release of The Hunger Games DVD/Blu-ray tomorrow, all eyes will soon be looking ahead to Catching Fire. Shooting on the film will get underway later this month.

Josh Hutcherson, who plays Peeta in the film, spoke to Yahoo! Movies about the upcoming start of production and had high praise for the sequel’s script.

“I do have a script in hand and it’s awesome. I love it so much,” Hutcherson confirmed, revealing that he met with newly-installed director Francis Lawrence (“I Am Legend,” 2007, “Water for Elephants,” 2011) to discuss the film’s vision. “We talked about how important it was to really make the movie version of the book and that was Francis’s goal from day one — and the script definitely portrays that. It’s a very true-to-the-book rendition of the movie.”

Catching Fire will be released November 22, 2013. Hutcherson is already sporting his blonde hair in preparation for slipping back into the role. He also says he’ll be in better shape this time around.