For those keeping up with all the Deadpool 2 developments, Josh Brolin’s haircut is only the second most interesting improvement the actor’s making to play Cable.

First, he cut his hair and that alone had everyone excitedly readying themselves for his portrayal of Cable. Just a day ago Twitter and Instagram were excited to see him changing his hair to play the badass powerhouse, but this morning he gifted us with an even greater surprise.

If you’re scratching your head about who Cable is, check out this post. We might have been championing Stephen Lang then, but all the Cable info you will need to get ready for Deadpool 2 is there.

In case you haven’t seen it, check out the haircut Josh Brolin is rocking for Deadpool 2.

And now, check out the guns on this guy. He is definitely taking his preparations seriously, that’s for sure.

Deadpool 2 is set to hit theaters June 1, 2018. Only a year to go, folks!