Although the Jonas Brothers are breaking up, they evidently don’t despise each other. The trio appeared on Good Morning America Wednesday to address their ending.

The band confirmed yesterday in a statement that it was over for the three brothers who were in the midst of recording a new album. The first signs of a break up arrived earlier this month when they canceled their tour citing a “deep rift within the band.” From there, the band’s Twitter account was removed and the individual boys went silent on their personal profiles.

This morning, youngest brother Nick explained to GMA host Robin Roberts that it was he who initiated the conversation of a Jonas Brothers break up. “I think in a nutshell I said, ‘Look, I feel like we’ve had some complications within the group for a long time without addressing them. I think this train will fall off the tracks without really getting real about some of the concerns and some of the limitations that we may feel as individuals in a group.’ It was a tough conversation. I’m not going to lie. It was the first time we had that real conversation that was a few days of working through it. Now we’ve all come to a place after a lot of time thinking about it and talking about it together, and we feel like we’re best suited to do our own individual things and be brothers first.”

Asked about what particular problems caused the break up, Kevin said, “The music. For us, we kind of held onto it for so long and at one point we started to feel like it was getting stale, so there were individual things we were butting heads about – whether it was the way to set a music video, even just personal opportunities, we decided it was best to finish this and support each other.”

The Jonas Brothers went on to confirm that the album they were working on will never be released, but they do plan on releasing four songs to their fan club as well as a live album from the most recent tour.

“It’s going to be sad for a lot of people,” said Joe, “but for us we are looking forward to the future. There’s a heaviness that comes with talking about something like this.”

You can watch the video interview below:

We wouldn’t be shocked to see a Jonas Brothers reunion tour in the years ahead after the brothers settle their musical differences and miss what they once hand.