Two people who spontaneously decided to play the Star Wars Main Theme on the front lawn of John Williams’ home were pleasantly surprised to learn they had an audience: John Williams.

The context and full details are still a mystery, but the video tells the most important part of the story: When two people, including a 13-year-old, decided to play the Star Wars theme on the sidewalk outside of John Williams’ Los Angeles home, the composer heard it from inside and decided to step out to congratulate them. The legendary composer seems to be impressed by the teenager hitting the high notes.

Setting aside questions about why they decided to do this (It IS a tad creepy and intrusive), it’s awesome that Williams came out of his house and complimented them rather than calling the police. Williams seems to be tickled by the performance. Maybe it’ll inspire him to come back to score Star Wars: Episode 8?

“This is what happened when 2 guys with horns made a spontaneous decision to set up and play the Star Wars theme in front of John Williams’ house on 7/11/2016,” writes the video’s uploader, who may’ve been filming the surprise. “With the high part played by 13 yr. old trumpeter, Bryce Hayashi, and the lower flugelhorn part played by Michael Miller (“Mickle”), John Williams, the master himself, comes out to greet us at 01:24!”

Thanks to ScreenCrush for the tip.