John Oliver gets hate, too. But because he’s John Oliver, he proves that in every insult, there’s a compliment.

Ah, YouTube comments. As John Oliver describes them, “The most cogent, written argument for never learning how to read.”

In a new Last Week Tonight web exclusive, Oliver ‘reviews’ his YouTube comments, picking out a few of the weirder ones — not an easy feat, since YouTube comments are mental. Check it out:

And hey, they’re not all hateful. One commenter simply writes that John Oliver has “magnificent eyebrows,” which really tickles him, “because no one has called any part of my body magnificent. Ever.”

After another eyebrow related comment declaring them to be “alien caterpillars [that] move independently of each other,” you might think that he’d be disheartened, but no.

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“I thought, that’s okay,” Oliver says. “That does still technically fall under the umbrella of magnificent. There’s no more magnificent eyebrow than one that is sentient and moves independently. So you know what? Sorry Cara Delevingne, I’m the new queen of eyebrow thickness. Step off, Cara!”

But there’s a lot of actual nasty hate, too because this is the internet, and anonymity simply brings out the worst in humanity. Luckily Oliver, ever the optimist, sees something good in almost all of them.

Like, having aged simply means you’ve survived longer, which can be nothing but a good thing.

Unless you’re John Oliver however, we still advise anyone putting anything semi-creative on the internet to not read the comments. Because comments can be the worst.