John Krasinski launched his new YouTube web series “Some Good News” with a reunion with his former co-star on The Office, Steve Carell.

The show’s genesis began last week, when John Krasinski put out on a call on Twitter for any stories that have made people feel good this week or any things that have just made them smile.

Twitter responded to the call, compiling all the best feel-good stories and uplifting news items that have stood out amidst the deluge of dreary and dark news stories.

The former star of The Office then put on his best tie and suit jacket (though kept the ‘jams on his bottoms) and gave fans their 15-minute dose of good news to lift their spirits.

Then, about five minutes into the program, he calls in his former The Office boss Steve Carell as his entertainment correspondent and the two reminisce together.

Krasinski and Carell celebrated the 15th anniversary of The Office together on his makeshift show, with Carell videoconferencing in thanks to the help of his wife. The two shared their favorite memories of the show, along with some bloopers and behind the scenes stories.

Krasinski delivered a newscast full of several stories culled from fans’ tweets, which includes public praise for healthcare workers, along with stories of people helping people, providing cleaning supplies, performing chores and delivering meals to the sick or elderly.

He also invited 15-year-old Coco, known to social media as the young girl who had just finished her final round of chemotherapy and returned home to find her street filled with cheering neighbors, all there to encourage her recovery.

Krasinski called her his “newest and biggest hero” on the show.

Check out John Krasinski and Steve Carell’s mini Office reunion, along with some feel-good stories from this week.