If you want to listen to the audiobook version of The Fault in our Stars, you’ve always been able to. But for a limited time, you can now order a copy read aloud by John Green himself.

John Green has always maintained that he thinks that if you’re going to listen to The Fault in Our Stars read aloud to you, it should be by somebody who is not only a person who does that sort of thing as a profession, but also somebody who is better able to capture the voice of a 16-year-old girl, something he feels that he, a 35-year-old man, cannot do. Through their love for him and his voice (which they’ve gotten used to through his numerous YouTube videos beginning with his and his brother Hank’s Vlogbrothers channel), fans made it known that they’d prefer an audiobook read by him. It was able to produced in limited fashion, and now, a year and a half after the release of the book, it has returned.

Being sold on DFTBA records, this rereleased John Green read The Fault in Our Stars audiobook will only have 3,000 copies produced, so if this is something you want, you’ll have to move fast. It’s being priced at $40.

There’s more to this set than just the audiobook, however. According to the DFTBA records listing page, all of this is included:

– Six CDs of me reading The Fault in Our Stars.
– One DVD including eight bonus videos in which I discuss themes from the book, visit settings, talk about different inspirations, and explore the ways the nerdfighter community shaped (and made possible) the story I ended up writing.
– A wristband for The Hectic Glow, a band so beautifully underground that they don’t even exist. (light blue, different from those received in 1st edition box sets)
– An awesome concert ticket for The Hectic Glow, a concert so epic that it never technically occurred.
– Four TFiOS-themed postcards designed by nerdfighters that you can send to your friend to brag that you own the John Green-narrated audiobook and they don’t.
– Also, all 3,000 copies are–get this–UNSIGNED.

If you love The Fault in Our Stars (and who doesn’t?), this is a collectors item you’ll want to get your hands on. With the other, Kate Rudd read version always available, you can’t be sure this will ever be for sale again.

Will you be buying this ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ audiobook?