Although John Green’s cameo in The Fault in Our Stars was left on the cutting room floor, we won’t have to wait until the DVD/Blu-ray to see it.

Today BuzzFeed unveiled a still from the scene in which John’s character’s daughter (played by Sophie Guest) asks Hazel about her cannula. John’s character pulls her away and apologizes to Hazel.

Check out the still below which depicts the characters in the Indianapolis airport prior to their flight to Amsterdam. Shailene Woodley’s back is facing the camera:

The clip will be released Thursday, June 5 at an event called “The Night Before Our Stars,” a simulcast you can attend in theaters in which you can see the movie early. Stars Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff, and John Green will be making appearances during the event, too.

Speaking to BuzzFeed about the scene, Green spoke about his acting debut. “My first couple attempts at the scene came off pretty poorly,” he said. “At some point, the girl playing my daughter [Sophie Guest] said, ‘Would you like some acting advice?’ I said that I would indeed. ‘Three rules,’ she said. ‘Know your lines, be on time, and don’t be nervous.’ I couldn’t ever quite get the hang of the not being nervous part, but I will long remember that girl’s sage and empathetic advice, which applies to more than just acting.”

In a previous interview, Green said he was glad that his scene was cut from the movie because he wasn’t thrilled with his work.

The Fault in Our Stars opens in theaters Friday, June 6.