Julie Gardner who co-helmed Torchwood with Russell T. Davies from its BBC3 days to its most recent stint on BBC1 and Starz speaks out on what taking the show to America was like. John Barrowman drops details on the shows future.

AX: With MIRACLE DAY this series has been very grounded and Earth based. Would a future TORCHWOOD series have heavier Science Fiction overtones?

GARDNER: The way to answer that is not to specifically answer whether we would be off in space or Earth bound, because I think we will always be Earth bound. The answer really is TORCHWOOD for us is always at its best when it looks at the actions of people. You always want some heightened reality within that or some science fiction, because I enjoy watching that. That’s the genre we’re in with TORCHWOOD, but actually we’ve always talked about (and when I say we I mean Russell and all of the writers for each season) how TORCHWOOD could say something about how we live. That has been an important piece of the thinking. In MIRACLE DAY, in a time of crisis, who would become a hero, who would become a collaborator, who would become a victim? The rules would completely change, and what would that do to us as a race?

See more of this great interview on Assignment X.

Julia Gardner wouldn’t commit 100% that there would be another show, though there is buzz via John Barrowman that that news may come shortly.

This is what Barrowman had to say according to Digital Spy,“I hope they come back with a new series, but I have to wait. I haven’t heard anything yet. I don’t know when we will hear. I’ve been given a date but that date isn’t upon us yet. So once I know I still won’t be able to tell you but it means I then can plan out the rest of my year accordingly…But the fact of the matter is that there wouldn’t be a ‘Torchwood’ if it wasn’t for the Starz Network. There was no money to do it – we had to do the collaboration. It’s a very different situation because the money is there. They put the money into it, and that’s not saying they don’t put the money into the UK, but it’s different.”

Do you think Torchwood’s new formula is effective? Do you want another series?