In June we brought you a collection of J.K. Rowling’s best tweets after she suddenly became more active on Twitter. Since then we’ve collected a new batch of gems.

Rowling has been more active on Twitter over the past week while she voices her support of Scotland staying a part of the United Kingdom.

In between remarks using the hashtag #BetterTogether about Scotland, there’ve been quite a few great tweets. For example…

When Ms. Rowling…

Offered inspiring words of encouragement

Gave us insight into her average day

Absolutely SLAMMED a Twitter user with a response we’re going to start using in life

Gave us a life tip

Promised a highly-requested Pottermore feature

Made someone the happiest boy alive

Revealed a recent terrifying nightmare

Dropped a truth bomb on Luna Lovegood actress Evanna Lynch

Revealed that she doesn’t know how to use emojis (yet)

Had a casual chat with author Stephen King

Put a homophobe in their place

The user, who has since deleted his tweet and account, told Rowling, “Once u revealed Dumbledore was homosexual I stopped being a fan. Nice how u blindsided us with that one. Enjoy your billion $.”

Her response…

Brian Souter funded a campaign to “not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality.”

And later said that wizards and witches don’t care if a person’s gay

Admitted who was hardest to kill

Confessed to letting fame change her

Revealed her Patronus as if the news isn’t a huge deal

Reminded us that we’re just the best

Keep up the brilliance, Jo!

Related: J.K. Rowling finally reveals her (adorable) Patronus