Popular book social network Goodreads announced this morning that J.K. Rowling’s new book The Casual Vacancy set a new all-time record for the site yesterday.

It now holds the title of all-time biggest “started reading” day for a book, which suggests that fans of Rowling were very keen on getting started with her first post-Potter book as quickly as possible. According to the book’s listing on Goodreads, it has been added to over 40,000 users’ collections. At this time we do not know exactly how many set it to “started reading” yesterday.

Sales numbers are still being kept under wraps, but we do know that the book had hit one million pre-orders and that two million copies are currently in print. You can read our Casual Vacancy review in which we are generally positive of the book and definitely do not view it as a book for younger readers. Speaking of younger reads, parents should check out our parental guide to help decide the book is good for their “darlings.”

Although we’d love to see one, Rowling has said in recent interviews that she doesn’t think a movie could be made out of The Casual Vacancy. “Personally, I don’t think this is a very filmable book. That is one of the things I like about it. I think it’s a very novelly novel in that a lot of what goes on happens internally. You need to understand what’s going on inside people’s heads,” she said.