Now, this is a story all about how Jimmy Fallon turned Fresh Prince upside down.

American talkshow host Jimmy Fallon is known for his funny sketches and celebrity cameos, and this week he’s been on fire!

First, Fallon did an epic lip sync battle with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart:

And now, to celebrate the Tonight’s Show return to L.A., Fallon’s opened his most recent show with a complete shot-for-shot recreation of Will Smith’s iconic intro montage from the 90s sitcom Fresh Prince of Bel Air:

Fallon’s version is about how he brought the Tonight Show from New York to L.A., and whoever re-wrote those lyrics deserves a round of applause for perfectly hitting all the right cadences and beats!

What makes this rendition even better is that Fallon enlisted some of the original actors from the show! Jeffrey A. Townes cameoed as DJ Jazzy Jeff, and, of course, Alfonso Ribeiro is always on hand to do the Carlton Dance these days.

See how similar Jimmy Fallon’s version actually is to the original Fresh Prince intro:

What do you think? Did Fallon bring it?

Fresh Prince of Bel Air ran from 1990-1996, and is one of the most iconic shows of its decade. It starred Will Smith, Alfonso Ribeiro, James Avery, Karyn Parsons, Tatyana Ali, Joseph Marcell and Jeffrey A. Townes, with Daphne Reid and Janet Hubert playing Aunt Vivian.