Who doesn’t think that Jim Parsons, as Sheldon Cooper, is absolute comedy genius? Parsons actually won the Emmy award last year, so perhaps his chances of winning it this year are slim. Nonetheless, Parsons has reacted to the nomination graciously, and also commented on co-star Johnny Galecki’s Emmy nod. Check out what he said here!

CBS reported Parson’s reaction to his nomination for Outstanding Actor in a Comedy:

“Firstly, may I say how much more civilized it is to hear the nominations while on the east coast, where they occur AFTER 8am?

Secondly, I am over the moon that our show was nominated. I am so proud to be a part of the Big Bang Theory always – so this chance for the whole team to be recognized and celebrate together is really thrilling. And, finally, I am so damn happy for Johnny Galecki. We have worked side by side for over four years now so believe me when I tell you how richly deserved this is for him.”

Parsons also told The Hollywood Reporter:

“I always wanted the show to be nominated and I’m so glad Johnny got one,” Parsons said from New York, where he learned of the honors via the Today show. “It’s wonderful to have the whole family feeling; it feels happier this year, to be totally honest, because there’s more people. A party is always more fun with more people there.”

Congratulations are certainly in order for both of these fine young actors!