The man who brought The Riddler to life in Batman Forever could be returning to the world of superheroes (although this time it’s less about cheesy catchphrases and more about blood).

There was a time when Jim Carrey was the most sought after man in Hollywood, taking on some of the biggest roles around and holding audiences in the palm of his hand with wacky one-liners and off-beat comic timing. That time has long since passed, but that doesn’t mean the 50-year-old actor doesn’t have his niche. And it appears Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow has a role which fits said niche, as the actor has been offered the part of The Colonel in the sequel to Matthew Vaughn’s 2010 adaptation of the Mark Millar graphic novels.

The role is presumably that of Colonel Stars, an ex-thug and born again Christian who sets up Justice Forever (a superhero team that Kick-Ass joins early on in the second volume). Colonel Stars’ pet dog is used in one of the comic’s many set pieces, though the role itself is relatively minor.

Carrey is a well known fan of Matthew Vaughn’s original, although the deal is far from a sure thing according to Deadline. Should he sign a contract, the comedian/actor will join Chloe Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Aaron Johnson in London for next month’s shoot.

Kick-Ass 2 hits theaters June 28, 2013.

Would you like to see Jim Carrey in the ultra-violent world of Kick-Ass?