A wonderful new sketch with Crimson Peak‘s Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston reveal that, sure, they might be super hot and super famous, but they are awful party hosts.

Josh Horowitz, the host of MTV’s After Hours, has been invited to a very special after party for Crimson Peak. He shows up and only Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston are there, which is cool… but a little weird. Horowitz may or may not be brutally murdered before the end of this video:

This is truly a masterpiece, if for no other reason than because we get to see a very, very different side of the usually poised and hard-working Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston.

Turns out Tom Hiddleston is just a fragile soul, and has clearly been scarred by some pranks gone wrong on the Avengers set. Chastain, well… we’re not quite sure what’s going on with her, but we like it.

For some reason, Josh Horowitz is not excited about being kissed profusely by both Chastain and Hiddleston, which, okay, must be such a hardship.

This has to be our favorite part of the promotional campaign for Crimson Peak, and we’re so glad Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston were good sports and allowed MTV to set up this ridiculous and hilarious performance!

And, as creepy as the party was, we’re not gonna lie… we wish we’d been invited!

Make sure you read our review of Crimson Peak, which we liked a lot (but not as much as this sketch, let’s get real). Have you seen the movie yet?