Can you imagine reading with Matt Smith to play the next Doctor Who companion? How would that dialogue go exactly? Now we know!

Bleeding Cool News has an excerpt from the latest Doctor Who Magazine that reveals the audition script:

The Doctor and Jasmine are investigating a haunted house.

DOCTOR: So you saw it coming in here? What did it look like?

JASMINE: Grey. Sort of dusty. Like it was made of spider webs.

D: And it came through the wall.

J: Yeah, that wall there.

D: But you don’t think it was a ghost. Why not?

J: Because there’s no such thing as ghosts.

D: You know, a lot of people who saw what you saw wouldn’t still think that.

J: Obviously. Otherwise there wouldn’t be idiots who believe in ghosts.

See more of the transcription on Bleeding Cool News.

It should be noted that an audition script is not necessarily used in an actual episode, but it certainly could be, so both the character name and the material might never appear in an actual episode.

What did you think of the dialogue? Is it classic Steven Moffat? What about Jasmine as a character name, would that suit?