The first name of new companion, Jenna-Lousie Coleman’s character, has been known for awhile. Now the complete name is available as well as some backstory. *SPOILERS*

As is usual when dealing with tabloids in the United Kingdom, take this with a pinch of salt. On the other hand, The Mirror has been fairly reliable with minor information such as this.

The Mirror reports that Jenna-Lousie Coleman’s character’s full name is to be Clara Oswin. The Doctor will reportedly call her by her last name. This shouldn’t be too surprising for viewers as one of the trademarks of Matt Smith’s Doctor is using current companion Amy Pond’s last name frequently. The catchphrase “Come along, Pond” was readily seen on many tee shirts at Comic-Con this year.

The Mirror further reports that one of Clara Oswin’s first lines is “Rescue me boy and show me the stars.” No need for alarm, the line doesn’t indicated that she’s a meek wallflower. She supposedly has a feisty nature and is a computer genius who can hold her own intellectually with the Doctor. Who knows, maybe she’s carrying her lap top or iPad in that red satchel that she keeps toting around.

For those of you thinking that “Oswin” has a familiar ring to it, there was a Tanya Oswin in a Doctor Who audio story. It is unlikely that the two characters are connected as Steven Moffat has stated that the new companion will have no ties to any previous character.

What do you make of the new name and backstory?