Teen Wolf Creator and Executive Producer Jeff Davis reveals his favorite thing he’s ever written — and it’s a moment between Scott and Stiles.

Buzzfeed put together a great article interviewing 51 writers explaining the best things they’ve ever written. Teen Wolf Creator Jeff Davis made it on the list at number 35. You can see his response below:

It’s hard for me as a writer to choose a favorite piece or moment because I generally look back on everything I’ve written with a troubling sense of “Man, that could have been so much better.” But I do look back on one scene with a sense of pride every time I happen to view it again. At the end of episode 312 — “Lunar Ellipse” — Scott tells his mentor, Dr. Deaton, in voiceover, how the recent events have left a dark feeling over him, reminding him of a quote from the first day of English class. Scott says, “When I feel it, it’s like I’m ‘looking into the heart of an immense darkness.’”

Deaton asks him, “What do you do instead?”

Scott replies, “I look for my friends.” And then we see Stiles step through the doors of the school to put an arm around him. They smile at each other, noticing the rest of their friends, seeing that life actually has immense possibility ahead of them. And reminding our passionate viewers that at its heart, Teen Wolf is a show about friendship.

Teen Wolf season 3A ended with the ultimate sacrifice of three of our main characters, Scott, Stiles, and Allison. At the end of that half of the season, both the characters and the audience needed a good dose of hope — and they got it when Scott said he needed his friends to keep him going.

Scott and Stiles have been through quite a bit together, and it’s no surprise Davis chose this moment as his favorite. It’s a transition between despair and positivity, and though season 3B ended up testing everyone’s absolute limits, it also showed us why these two are best friends. And that motif has carried the show forward ever since.

Teen Wolf season 5 does promise to show Scott and Stiles butting heads even more, as revealed in a recent People article, but we have no doubt the two will work out all of their differences.

What’s your absolute favorite ‘Teen Wolf’ moment?