Jamie Campbell Bower and Cassandra Clare did a twitter chat with Glamour UK and some very interesting details emerged about filming and the last book in the series, City of Heavenly Fire.

For the Glamour UK twitter chat fans submitted questions for Cassie and Jamie to answer. The questions vary from the movie to the books with some very interesting answers.

When asked about the last books in the series, City of Heavenly Fire, Cassie said “We leave this world entirely, for a different world.” This little tidbit has people speculating what kind of world our favorite characters will be heading to.

Jamie Campbell Bower talked about the stunts he had to do for City of Bones saying they were very difficult and that he is still sore but he says he is still returning for City of Ashes. Jamie says his favorite thing about Jace is his vulnerability and his least favorite is that Jace doesn’t think before he acts.

Jamie also said that there were lots of  aspects of the character that inspired or changed him, “There are parts of Jace in me that I didn’t know existed.” Jamie also says the number one perk of being a shadowhunter is the leather!

What do you think about the new world the shadowhunters?

To read the entire tweet chat with Jamie and Cassie visit Glamour UK.