Filming is about to begin on the book to film adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s Cormoran Strike detective series, and now there’s a bit of good news to report for Americans.

HBO has picked up the broadcast rights to The Cormoran Strike Mysteries, though an airdate is still unavailable. In the U.K. the series will air on BBC One.

The acquisition is a pretty big get for HBO. Unlike The Casual Vacancy, which the pay cabler ran to virtually no fanfare, “Robert Galbraith’s” Strike books have received rave reviews from readers of all ages. Hopefully these enthusiasts will be interested in catching Cormoran and Robin on TV.

The Cormoran Strike TV show will take on the three books that are currently on store shelves with seven one-hour episodes. The Cuckoo’s Calling will make up three episodes, and The Silkworm and Career of Evil will each take two more.

As previously announced, the series will star Tom Burke as Detective Strike. J.K. Rowling recently teased that his assistant Robin has been cast, but the actress playing the role is still under wraps.

The news of Cormoran coming to HBO is not too shocking since HBO and the BBC teamed up to produce the book to film adaptation of Rowling’s first post-Potter novel, The Casual Vacancy.

Rowling has said she has several more Cormoran Strike books in the pipeline. Presumably future books will be adapted for television too, should the initial batch of episodes receive a warm response.

Will you tune into ‘The Cormoran Strike Mysteries’?

This writer will! I love the Cormoran Strike books. I couldn’t get through The Casual Vacancy book so I haven’t bothered trying the TV show.