J.K. Rowling reveals that Harry Potter character Moaning Myrtle has a surprising – and unintentional – connection to a United States senator!

Today, we learned a surprising new fact about the Harry Potter series. It didn’t come via the fabled Harry Potter Encyclopaedia – it didn’t even come via Pottermore – but rather from J.K. Rowling’s Twitter page.

Related: J.K. Rowling slams Twitter user by implying they have a small dick

Have we mentioned how much we love Rowling’s new social media obsession? Just five times so far today? Okay, then.

Replying to a curious fan, Rowling revealed Hogwarts ghost Moaning Myrtle’s full name:

This is the first time we’ve been told this particular fact about one of the series’ most annoying (yet oddly endearing) characters.

Moaning Myrtle was born in 1929 and died in 1943, killed by the basilisk Tom Riddle set loose on the school. J.K. Rowling has previously stated that the character was Muggle-born, and that she was sorted into Ravenclaw House.

Watch this classic clip from Goblet of Fire in which Myrtle and Harry share a moment in the bath:

After Rowling revealed Moaning Myrtle’s full name on Twitter, fans were quick to point out that Elizabeth Warren, of course, is a current U.S. Senator (who was at one time a rumored 2016 presidential candidate, but she has since denied the claims.)

Rowling sent out a further couple of tweets, to clarify how she came up with the name, and that the connection is unintentional:

We wonder if Elizabeth Warren is a Harry Potter fan! If she is… well, we suppose Moaning Myrtle isn’t the worst character to share a name with?

What other Harry Potter questions would you like J.K. Rowling to answer on Twitter?