July 31 marks the birthdays of Harry Potter, his author J.K. Rowling, and The Daily Show‘s Jessica Williams. Two out of the three celebrated their birthday together this year!

(Believe it or not, but fictional character Harry Potter was not present at the event.)

It turns out that not only are Jessica Williams and J.K. Rowling real-life friends — after meeting on Twitter, no less — but they’re joint-birthday-party level friends!

When Williams stopped by The Late Show a few days ago she revealed that the two had been friends since 2013, when Rowling DM’d her on Twitter to tell her how much she admired her work on the show:

Rowling told Williams that she was a Gryffindor, and they bonded over their shared birthday and mutual love of The Sims (no, not that Sims).

The pair have hung out a few times since then, and wished each other a happy birthday on Twitter yesterday… and today, Rowling has shared a picture showing that they actually spent their birthday together!

Jess & Jo are sitting side by side, with each their own cake, probably ready to announce their plans for world domination (at least that’s the dream).

Happy birthday to both!

Williams’ new movie, The Incredible Jessica James, is on Netflix now.