Last month J.J. Abrams released a trailer for a mystery project. It generated tons of speculation as to what TV show or film the trailer was connected to but today it was revealed that the project is actually a book.

The book was conceived by J.J. Abrams and written by Doug Dorst for Little Brown. The book is titled S. According to EW the novel is about a grad student named Eric and a college senior named Jennifer. The two share a fictional novel which they trade notes in. It is essentially a book within a book. There are hand written notes as well as extras – like a map written on a napkin and newspaper clippings.

Abrams tells EW, “It is difficult to describe because while it is a compelling mystery and love story, it is also much more than that. The work that everyone has done on S. is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Frankly, I’m amazed it was even possible to do this project at all.”

S. will be released on October 29 from Little Brown. Check out the two trailers for this mystery project and tell us what you think.

Will you be buying ‘S.’ when it hits shelves in October?