The pilot of the upcoming FOX drama Alcatraz was previewed at the San Diego Comic Con last night, and has posted a review – which is less than positive., however, calls it a “standout” among the previewed new shows.

Despite Alcatraz‘ promise and certain-to-be-adopted Lost fanbase (the series was created by J.J. Abrams, is produced by Elizabeth Sarnoff and stars Jorge Garcia), was not impressed by the pilot episode, claiming that it “doesn’t raise the kind of conspiratorial theories and questions that [J.J. Abrams’] other shows did.” The review continues:

Alcatraz‘ biggest weakness is that other than hinting at what will become the series’ larger mythology (which was mildly interesting), it doesn’t offer its audience much more to keep them coming back for answers… or in Abrams’ case, more questions. […] There are plenty of convenient coincidences in Alcatraz that detract from the legitimacy of the premise. Matter-of-fact relations between characters and quickly drawn conclusions are just two of the reasons why the show amounted to 42 minutes of eye-rolling frustration.

While it sounds like the review came from a disappointed Lost fan, it still doesn’t bode well for a mystery series that its premise fails to intrigue.

However,’s review was overwhelmingly positive:

Just like Lost and The 4400, there are plenty of stories to milk from the show’s central mystery alone. To keep things from getting too prisoner-mystery-of-the-week, there’s a personal connection that Officer Madsen has to the island, and potentially to the disappearances. […] The leads have great chemistry across the board, and I’m already anticipating this crew’s weekly adventures. Jones’ police officer, Rebecca Madsen, is reminiscent of Fringe’s Olivia Dunham (though she seems more at ease in the role than Anna Torv was at the beginning of that series). Jorge Garcia’s character, Dr. Diego Soto, is nowhere near the slacker that he was in Lost, but he’s still the same lovable geek. And Sam Neil as Emerson Hauser reminds us of just how compelling he can be with the right material.

It seems like all the polarized reviews can agree on is that Jorge Garcia is a catch for this show. Are you planning to give Alcatraz a chance, either as a mystery-hungry Lost fan or as someone who is intrigued by the premise?

Read the full review here at