After watching this episode of iZombie, everyone can proudly say they know what MMORPG stands for.

Cyber bully

Major’s on Ravi’s morgue table, and looks dead. But isn’t. Phew, dodged that bullet right out of the gate! Liv walks in and takes over stitching Major’s head wound as he talks of the Candyman that beat him up. The conversation takes a turn as Major pokes fun at Liv for when he walked in on her having drinks with Lowell.

The investigation trio visit the home of a dead Simon, a man who hadn’t left his basement for years. They hypothesize that he died from a heart attack, but a suspicious birthday card and confetti instead make for an interesting murder scene.

Blaine’s bar girlfriend Jackie kills the delivery boy for his brains when he doesn’t deliver her stash in time. Later, Blaine visits her, and murders the undead woman with a cordless drill. Can zombies salvage other zombie brains for food?

Clive visits the morgue to tell of a website celebrating the very hated Simon, a man who had leaked picture from iCloud accounts and the like. They play a recording of Simon yelling at a costumer service agent, and threatening to “delete you like so much digital noise.”

Peanut confetti

Liv chugs down the mushy brains. Soon after, she sees some sweets, and thinks “Must. Have. Donuts. Great, I ate Homer Simpson’s brain.” She flashes to Simone choking on a donut from an allergic reaction, and then shooting himself with epinephrine. However, Ravi didn’t find any foods the man was allergic to in his stomach.

Major attends a meeting for his shelter kids, and a kid sitting next to him tells Major to face the fact that the two missing boys are dead. Later, the same kid shows Major Jerome’s YouTube channel with loads of videos of the missing teen at the skate park.

At Clive’s office, Liv has a moment of anxiety from Simon’s brain. Looking over the birthday card found at Simon’s murder scene, the two recognize the smell of peanuts on it, naming it the murder weapon to the allergic deceased.


It’s Liv’s first date with Lowell! Yay! Oh wait, she just ate the brain of a man with agoraphobia. Well this should go well… She has a panic attack, and calls Lowell to confesses that she can’t go out into public.

Clive and Ravi talk over the body of a dead foster kid named Michael. Ravi tells the detective that the dead boy had expensive food in his stomach, which simply doesn’t add up.

Ravi visits Liv, and deliver’s Simon’s laptop to her. Simon’s muscle memory kicks in, as Liv hilariously quivers, “Please, don’t let me be opening gross porn.” Alas, Warlock Forest, Ravi’s favorite MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) opens up. Liv discovers that the “Sim Reaper” had just recently killed a character named Full Auto, costing Mr. Auto thousands of real-world dollars. Ravi gets excited, tells Liv to keep playing to find out who Auto is.

Liv finds Full Auto, reveals her true identity, and talks to a doe-eyed teen boy on Skype, revealing the face opposite that of a killer. The 14-year-old boy lives in New York (with the most impressive view of the Empire State Building money can buy) and didn’t even know where Simon lived.

The demon barber of Fleet Street.

Lowell drops by to give Liv some prescription drugs to help with the anxiety. He turns on the charm full force as Liv asks why he came from London: a girl. The zombies swap war stories, as it’s revealed that Lowell got drunk and woke up in jail with a scratch on his leg. He also can’t perform live music anymore because of the pre-show adrenaline rush. Kiss. Do it. KISS. He goes in for it, BAM. Rejected. That hurt. Liv spots a picture of a donut shop on Simon’s computer, queuing Lowell’s awkward departure.

Related: iZombie season 1, episode 5 recap: When zombies fly

At Blaine’s meat shop, Clive is nearly chopped to pieces, but avoids becoming zombie feed when Liv calls to tell him about her donut shop discovery. Would anyone care for one of Ms. Lovett’s savory and sweet pies?

Livell ‘ittle

Clive interrogates the donut shop owners as Liv watches on via Skype. Simon told the couple of his peanut allergy; alas, they didn’t check to see where their canola oil was made. 50 scathing Yelp reviews later and the shop closed down. They were still delivering to his home, but didn’t know it. Liv presumes their innocence, as Clive realizes another donut shop in the area must’ve done him in with the peanut confetti.

Clive stakes out a shop named Donuts Ect., as Liv hacks into their employee list with ease. And the flamin’ hot Cheetos knockoff brand from the pilot make a return! Popping open a soda can, Liv flashes to Simon opening the deathday card as “Ring Around the Rosey” plays sardonically.

Liv shows up at the police department, inebriated from her anxiety meds. A man named Sean Posey took a selfie at the crime scene, and had asked if Simon suffered. It turns out that Sean’s sister was the customer service agent on the line that Simon had threatened, and that she had a birthday on the day of the murder. The sister’s life was ruined after Simon’s hacking torture, leading to her taking her own life. Sean avenged his sister’s tragedy by murdering Simon.

The episode wraps as Liv reconciles with Lowell about how horribly their last date went. They kiss. Fireworks explode. As do our ovaries. Ravi discovers a picture of Blaine and the Candyman scoping out new targets. Liv’s mom stops by Blaine’s meat shop and picks up an application for her son to work as Blaine’s new delivery boy.

iZombie airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.