It’s a Wonderful Life. It truly is.

When the news broke earlier this week that an It’s a Wonderful Life sequel was in the works, we weren’t happy. “Somebody save us,” we said, and it appears that somebody has. That somebody is Paramount.

Paramount released this statement to Variety today, and yes, an angel did get its wings:

No project relating to “It’s A Wonderful Life” can proceed without a license from Paramount. To date, these individuals have not obtained any of the necessary rights, and we would take all appropriate steps to protect those rights.

Now, before you get too excited, remember that this certainly doesn’t mean that It’s a Wonderful Life: The Rest of the Story won’t be happening. All this means is that it can’t right now, but if Paramount can get a big payday out of this, what’s going to stop them? They’re a business, and as much as we hate to say it, they’d benefit from this movie happening.

The sequel was announced on Monday and would follow original cast member Karolyn Grimes. In the 1946 classic, Grimes played the daughter of Jimmy Stewart’s George Bailey. She was the character that gave the film’s most iconic line, “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings!” If it does happen, she would play an angel in the film, an angel who shows George Bailey’s unlikable grandson (also named George Bailey) that the world would have been different if he hadn’t been born.

Grimes had good faith in the project and the production team of Star Partners and Hummingbird Productions wanted the film to be made, but odds are that you won’t find anybody else that will. Hopefully Paramount remains on our side and doesn’t see the money that they would make from it as a reason to agree to it. Hopefully.