Iron Princess by Meghan March is about to drive readers crazy with just how good it is, and just how much it leaves them begging for more.

If you’re not reading the Savage Trilogy, you need to solve that problem ASAP. Meghan March has perfected the craft of writing about anti-heroes in a way that leaves the readers desperate for more. Her characters definitely aren’t perfect, tame, or innocent.

Yet, it’s easy to fall in love with them. Behind all their rough exterior, Meghan March’s heroes and heroines are just looking to fall in love like everyone else. What sets her novels apart from others is the thrilling and suspenseful storylines the characters have to wade through in order to get their happily ever after.

Related: Savage Prince by Meghan March book review: An enthralling addition to the world of Ruthless King

Iron Princess is the second novel in the Savage Trilogy, and yet there’s still so much mystery to be solved. Readers will finally get to learn more about the hero, where he came from, and his connection to universe of the Mount Trilogy.

But, don’t expect to learn everything about the hero. He still keeps an air of secrecy around him, only revealing details about himself when it makes sense. He lets Temperance get closer to him than he’s ever let anyone else before, but that doesn’t mean he’s ready to give up all his secrets yet.

Temperance continues to prove she is a great heroine. Having been raised in poverty, she’s not about to stop reaching for her goals no matter the circumstances. The world may be crashing around her, and yet Temperance is determined to keep moving forward.

This means continuing to run Seven Sinners as COO, working on her artwork, and trying to find her missing brother. As well as sort out the jumble of emotions she feels for the hero. None of this is easy when there’s danger all around. But Temperance isn’t the type to lay low and wait for her problems to be solved by others, and that’s what I love most about her.

Iron Princess is a little less steamy than the first book in this series, Savage Prince. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though. With all of the action heating up, it only makes sense that the kissing scenes slow down a bit. Meghan March crafts the story so perfectly, that I can’t imagine anyone complaining about it.

By the end of the novel, I was left dazed and amazed all at once. The ending will leave readers’ minds blown, and also maybe a touch sad that they have to wait until May for the final novel in the trilogy Rogue Royalty.

I fully plan on re-reading this entire series again once the final book is out — it’s just that damn good.

Iron Princess by Meghan March will be released on April 24! Pre-order now from Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo. And don’t forget to add it to your Goodreads!