Fifty Shades of Grey and its two sequels are dominating the Amazon bestseller list, but it’s not only women who are picking up the Twilight-fanfic-turned-steamy-romance.

The Associated Press interviewed men who are also big fans of the book. To the point where it changed their lives:

Jeremiah Wirth, a grad student and Iraqi war vet in Maine, said the opening book was nothing short of a life-changer. He read it on a business trip to “magical” Hawaii, returning home to Bangor a better man.

“I was away from my girlfriend. I was lonely and I was reading this book in this beautiful place and I thought it would be something fun and easy,” said the 26-year-old Kurt Vonnegut and “Star Wars” fan, just a year younger than the fictional Grey.

“People hear about flogging and stuff like that in this book, and they don’t get it. I became emotionally invested in the love story, especially from the female’s perspective. That was important to me, to put myself in Ana’s shoes. It was overwhelming, and I’ll never forget it,” Wirth said.

He was moved to send James an email, “apologizing for assuming that your book was anything less than it is: wonderful.” And she responded, his deep interest surprising even her, “given that you don’t fit the demographic of the readership (women 17-100) but I am delighted that you enjoyed it.”

The book didn’t shatter 66-year-old David Shobin in Smithtown, N.Y. The semi-retired gynecologist and newbie romance reader who writes medical thrillers on the side picked up the first “Fifty Shades” to see for himself “what all the hullabaloo was about.”

This writer is all male, a few chapters into the first book, and looking forward to reading the rest of the series.