Incredibles 2 fans are about to get a whole lot more of Jack-Jack bonding with Auntie Edna Mode!

There were more than a few scene stealing moments in Disney-Pixar’s highly anticipated Incredibles 2, but if there’s one moment that captured the hearts of moviegoers everywhere it was that of the unlikely bond that formed between the iconic Edna Mode and baby Jack-Jack.

If you’re one of the many who felt as though you need more of Auntie Edna and Jack-Jack in your life, director Brad Bird has got some good news for you.

Bird took to Twitter on Wednesday (September 5) to let Incredibles fans know that there’s more footage of what went down when Edna babysat Jack-Jack in the sequel, and that it’ll be included on the upcoming Incredibles 2 DVD!

“Many of you have suggested we show what transpired the night E babysat Jack-Jack. Well, we were WAAAY ahead of you!” tweeted the director. “AUNTIE EDNA, an all-new short directed by i2 story supervisor Ted Mathot will be on the #Incredibles2 in-home release available on Digital 10/23 and Blu-ray 11/6!”

Bird paired the good news with an adorable shot of Edna having some fun with Jack-Jack, who seems to be hanging upside down from the bottom of a table.

Could the pair perhaps have gotten into an intense game of hide-and-seek while she was babysitting? Guess we’ll have to wait for the film to hit Digital and Blu-ray to find out!

You can pick up your copy of Incredibles 2, which will include the all new short Auntie Edna, on Digital on October 23, or as a physical Blu-ray on November 6!