It’s no secret that Hypable readers are huge fans of books. We cover lots of Young Adult literature news and when visitors write book stories through News By You, they’re always very popular.

With the official start of summer on the horizon, we’re launching a series of summer reading lists to help you decide what to relax with outdoors, cozied up in your bedroom, or wherever else you may be headed in the next few months.

These lists will be categorized by six pre-selected genres and crowd sourced. The genres are science fiction, fantasy, crime, horror, romance, and thriller.

Today we’re beginning to accept nominations for twenty books to feature in each of the six lists. These lists will be displayed prominently on Hypable all summer, so nominate wisely!

TO NOMINATE: In the comments below, nominate up to three books using the following format:

Genre – Title – 2 to 3 sentence summary.


Science Fiction – Ender’s Game – Intense is the word for Ender’s Game. Aliens have attacked Earth twice and almost destroyed the human species. To make sure humans win the next encounter, the world government has taken to breeding military geniuses — and then training them in the arts of war… The early training, not surprisingly, takes the form of ‘games.

Please use the above format for three books max (you can nominate one to three) and stick with the six genres we selected: science fiction, fantasy, crime, horror, romance, and thriller.

The nomination period runs from today through Saturday. Repeat book nominations from different visitors are fine. Due to the size of this project, we will not be able to credit you for your book nomination when the final lists are released. Thanks for your help!