Episode 3 of Hypable’s Smash Chat – discussing everything to do with NBC’s new hit show Smash – is now available!

Check out the full list of shownotes and get a download link.

-Smash premieres on NBC after “The Voice” at 10 p.m. est!
-Hosts Jess, Coty, and Mitch go right into summary and analysis of the show
-Mitch makes a very “captain obvious” statement about Debra Messing’s character being once again with gay men on a tv show
-The issues of conventional beauty and weight are brought up in relation to both Marilyn and Smash
-Did Ivy’s throwing up before the audition mean she had an eating disorder, or that she was just nervous?
-We question whether we were supposed to think that Julia was the main character
-The pilot sped through a long timeline-should we always expect this in every episode?
-What’s the deal with the director and Tom hating each other so much?
-Mitch makes a funny connection between Christina Aguilera being on “The Voice” and Smash
-Karen is naïve to not know what was going to happen so late at night at the director’s house
-We go through some news stories, including an exciting revelation for Debra’s character on the show, Dev’s future, and a funny video with Katharine and Jack Davenport (the director)
-We end the show by sharing our high hopes for the future of the show, and wondering how the songs from each week will do on the iTunes charts

Bonus: Coty’s mic goes on mute mid-sentence, and we all just sit there quietly until he comes back on! Haha

Co-hosts: Jessica O’Neal, Mitchel Clow, Coty Chanley-Jones

Click here to download (24.2 MB), or use the player below to listen right within your browser (but don’t leave the page or the episode will stop!)
