The final battle has arrived! Hypable’s BattleShips – Classic TV has definitely taken some interesting turns over the past few weeks. From fandoms toppling fandoms to really close sudden death matches, it’s time to see which classic ship takes it all!

Cory And Topanga from Boy Meets World have an epic faceoff against Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls, and it’s time to see which fans have the biggest voice on the Internet. Will you be able to gather your fandom together so your ship wins? Let’s find out!

Both obviously have a massive online presence, considering they’ve gone up against some pretty formidable opponents to get to this point. Both shows also have some serious OTPs, the kind that people recall when they talk about how those shows nowadays just can’t compare to the love and compassion felt between two of their favorite characters from some of their past favorite series.

But there can only be one winner, and it’s up to you to decide who that will be!

The Deadline

This battle will last until Sunday, April 21st at 8:00PM EST. You can use any means to get others to vote for your ship until then, and that includes: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, writing on your body, using megaphones in busy public areas, and anything you want to do to support your ship. Just don’t get arrested for shipping. That’d be pretty embarrassing. In all seriousness, we want you guys to have fun and enjoy the tournament!

Reminder: Sudden Death

In the last BattleShips tournament, there were moments when a battle could be won by a mere 100 votes or less. With our Classic TV tournament, we thought we’d make things a bit more interesting when that type of situation occurs.

When a battle is won by a margin of 100 votes or less, a sudden death round will occur the next day where all votes will reset back to 0. A Sudden Death battle will only last six hours, so rally up your fandom to get your ship to win!

How The Tournament Went

Take a look at how this edition of BattleShips ended up with these couples! And don’t forget to vote under the stats!
