Our fandom shipping tournament, BattleShips, continues by pitting Zoe and Wash against Jack and Ianto. Who do you think will take it all? Vote and let us know!

The Tournament

Below is a breakdown of the face-offs you’ll encounter throughout the tournament. We’ll update this graphic after each winner is selected.

BattleShips: ‘Torchwood’ VS ‘Firefly’

The next BattleShip begins NOW! You have 48 hours to vote for your fandom/ship (poll closes this Sunday at 2 p.m. ET).

[poll id=”245″]

Reminder: Sudden Death

In the last BattleShips tournament, there were moments when a battle could be won by a mere 250 votes or less. With our Classic TV tournament, we thought we’d make things a bit more interesting when that type of situation occurs.

When a battle is won by a margin of 250 votes or less, a sudden death round will occur the next day where all votes will reset back to 0. A Sudden Death battle will only last six hours, so rally up your fandom to get your ship to win!

The Numbers

For those of you interested in numbers, take a look at how your shows currently rank with user votes. This list will be updated in each new round so you can see how your fandom is faring in BattleShips in real time. Make sure you’re always looking at the latest battle though, since these numbers will not be updated to reflect battles in the future.

Round 1

These are the couples who’ve participated in their first fandom vs. fandom battles.

Lizzie & Gordo (1739)
Claire & Peter (394)
Piper & Leo (1128)
Chuck & Ned (922)
Clark & Lois (468)
Ross & Rachel (1354)
Lorelai & Luke (949)
Jack & Kate (459)
Cory & Topanga (1519)
Wesley & Fred (435)

Qualifying Rounds

These are the couples who’ve not yet battled another fandom in BattleShips. The numbers reflect the votes they received that got them nominated to be in the tournament.

Buffy & Spike (614)
Chuck & Sarah (339)
Jack & Ianto (339)
Zoe & Wash (260)
JD & Turk (174)
House & Wilson (151)

Who did you vote for?