ReWatchable podcast covers all your favorite shows of the bygone era. Here’s a complete guide to who we are and which shows we’ve already discussed.

What we do

ReWatchable‘s main goal is pretty straightforward: we’re a TV re-watch podcast. That means we watch shows that are currently off air, whether they had their run or were cancelled too soon. We try to tackle cult shows like Firefly and Pushing Daisies or classics like The Last Airbender and Buffy.

We typically have a rotation of eight or nine hosts, four of which will feature on an episode of the podcast at any given time. Of those four hosts, two will be superfans (have seen the show before) and two will be newbies (have not seen the show before). Every round will have two main superfan hosts, who take turns leading the discussion week to week.

This setup also means we don’t always agree, but we always aim to provide passionate, in-depth discussion — even if not all of us like what we’re watching.

There are a lot of jobs that go into a podcast, like scheduling, doc writing, editing, etc., and we each do our part to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. At the end of the day, we’re here to have fun discussing our favorite shows and hope you’ll join us along the way.

Please note that we’re a spoiler-free podcast, which means we ask that you don’t discuss any spoilers for the shows we’re watching ahead of that episode’s discussion. If you want to discuss spoilers with a superfan, please email us using the address found at the bottom of this article and clearly mark the subject line.

Who we are

ReWatchable has been recording episodes, consistently, since February 2013, and we have no intention of stopping any time soon! Over the last six years, the podcast has seen quite a few hosts come and go — and come back again! — but the fact that we’re ever-changing is what keeps things so interesting.

When you tune into the podcast, you can expect to find a group of about eight or so rotating hosts at any given time. Most of us are writers for Hypable, but every once in a while we’ve reached out to friends of the podcast to help us discuss whatever show we’re currently tackling.

And when I say friends, I mean friends. Many of the Hypable staff have met in real life, despite living all around the world, and have formed a little family over the years. There’s a lot of camaraderie and history between all of us, which leads to some hilarious and thought-provoking discussions.

But at the end of the day, we’re just a group of people who love talking about television and hope you love hearing us talk about it, too.

The shows we’ve covered

This is a list of the shows we’ve previously covered on ReWatchable, sorted chronologically. I’ve included the evolution of our logo and a link to the first episode for each round.


‘Veronica Mars’

‘Pushing Daisies’

‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’

‘Freaks and Geeks’

‘Avatar: The Legend of Korra’

‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’/’Angel’


‘Agent Carter’

Our current show

‘Veronica Mars’ season 4

Find us online

If you’re interested in keeping up-to-date with all things ReWatchable, then you’re in luck! You can find us here on Hypable, as well as Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. Want to send us an email? Write to

Once you give us a listen, please consider rating us iTunes, as it helps other fans find us, too.