Keary Taylor grew up along the foothills of the Rocky Mountains where she started creating imaginary worlds and daring characters who always fell in love. She now resides on a tiny island in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and their two young children. She continues to have an overactive imagination that frequently keeps her up at night.

Keary’s latest novel, Eden, is available now and you have a chance to win a copy by leaving a comment below.  The giveaway is US only and will end on May 30th at 8PM EST.

Tell us 5 random facts about yourself?

  1. I have a terrible habit of cracking my knuckles.
  2. My eyes are two different colors.
  3. I’ve never traveled further east than Illinois
  4. I used to ballroom dance in high school
  5. I have a picture of a cow standing on the edge of a cliff sitting on my desk in a frame.  How’s that for random?…

Tell us a little bit about your process and how you became a writer.

This could be a long story, lol, but here’s the short version.  I always loved to write growing up, and wrote a 200 page epicHarry Potter fan fiction when I was about 14.  I started writing after I had my first child, stealing moments here and there while she napped.  My process seems to be different with every book.  I generally know how they will all end, but don’t really know the beginning.  I tend to do short outlines, to get me through a few chapters, and work my way through like that.  And then editing comes along and smacks me in the back of the head later on!

You have previously written paranormal and contemporary novels, why sci-fi?

When I started writing Eden it was a total experiment.  I didn’t really know if I could do it or if I would be any good at it.  I hadn’t read much sci-fi.  But I had this idea and it just wouldn’t leave me alone, so I just dove in.  Got to follow the muse when you feel it!

Where did your inspiration for Eden come from?

Actually, it came from this one time when I was re-watching Star Wars III.  There was this shot with Anakin and his new mechanical hand and I had the thought “wouldn’t that be cool if somehow he’d grown that himself and it was somehow infused with his DNA?”  And my imagination just kept running with it!

Eden was recently optioned by Black Forest Film Group.  What is it like to get a phone call saying someone wants to make your book into a film?

Oh man, SURREAL!  I was trying to play it so cool when I first talked with them but internally I was jumping up and down and squealing like a 13 year old!  And I really couldn’t have asked for a better group!  I mean, the guy who produced the Twilight Saga and the co-author of the Beautiful Creatures novels?  Perfection.

What was your favorite chapter/scene to write and why?

Eve really was my favorite character.  She’s so tough and stubborn and confused.  She just came to life for me.  My favorite scene would be when Eve finally chooses between Avian and West.  It’s a powerful moment and the whole book is leading up to it.  And it’s pretty action filled!

If you could have lunch with one of your characters who would it be and why?

That’s a hard one.  I guess West.  His past is heavily tied to everything that lead up to where the world is in Eden, he knows a lot of interesting secrets…

What is easier to write: The first line or the last line?

I’d say the first.  Even though I don’t always know how to begin my books, openings tend to come very easily to me.  I did almost no editing on the opening scene in Eden, from first draft to finished.  But I think I had about 4 different version of the last chapter!

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

The toughest criticism is probably when people don’t like you characters.  They become your children and you never want to hear people talk bad about them.  The best compliment?  Anytime someone says one of my books is their favorite book I just feel beyond honored!

Where’s your favorite place to write?

I actually use a desktop so my writing place is quite fixed.  I’ve turned a corner of my dining room into my office.  Not the most inspiring place, but it works!

What one YA novel do you wish you had when you were a teen?

The one that sticks out to me at the moment would be The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.  It was a really amazing and inspirational book.

Do you have things you need in order to write ie. coffee, cupcakes, music?

I’m pretty low maintenance when it comes to my writing.  I just need my chair and my computer.  I do love to have music on when I’m working, but it depends on where I am in the process.

What are you working on now?

Ah, this is the big secret that I’ve been dodging everywhere, lol!  You’ll just have to stay tuned for that one.  I’ll be making an announcement the end of June!