Gretchen McNeil is a YA debut novelist. Her book, Possess, is a creepy tale of a girl who can hear demonic voices. Gretchen McNeil is just as unique as her writing, she has had five interesting jobs including being a singer for Cirque Berzerk.

POSSESS Synopsis:

Fifteen-year-old Bridget Liu just wants to be left alone: by her mom, by the cute son of a local police sergeant, and by the eerie voices she can suddenly and inexplicably hear. Unfortunately for Bridget, it turns out the voices are demons – and Bridget has the rare ability to banish them back to whatever hell they came from.

Terrified to tell people about her new power, Bridget confides in a local priest who enlists her help in increasingly dangerous cases of demonic possession. But just as she is starting to come to terms with her new power, Bridget receives a startling message from one of the demons. Now Bridget must unlock the secret to the demons’ plan before someone close to her winds up dead – or worse, the human vessel of a demon king.

Tell us 5 random facts about yourself?

How about my five random “careers”?

Opera singer, television producer, voice over artist, circus clown, writer.


Tell us a little bit about your process and how you became a writer.

Well, in a former life, I was a classically trained opera singer.  I stopped doing that professionally several years ago but was lucky enough to fall in with a crazy circus troupe called Cirque Berzerk back in 2008 where I sing with the band as one of the Sirens.

Writing sort of evolved around the same time as I started singing with the circus.  Honestly, I just woke up one day and said, “I’m going to write a novel.”  It sucked, but I learned how to write.  Two novels later, here I am!

What was your favorite chapter/scene to write and why?

My favorite scene involves a phantom cat.  It was based on something that actually happened to me – the only possibly paranormal events that’s ever affected me.  My cat visited me three days after she died.  I think she knew I needed to say goodbye.  So I immortalized Pocket by putting her in a book!

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

It’s always hard to hear that a character “isn’t likeable.”  I’ve gotten that a few times with Bridget.  She’s a prickly girl, wounded and protective with a sharp sense of humor.  A lot of people really love her, but others just don’t connect.  I totally understand, but I have a great affection for Bridget – and maybe more than a little in common with her – so it always hurts to hear.

One of my critique partners took to calling me “Hitchcock” based on my ability to create suspense and spin a mystery.  While I’m not about to compare myself to the Master of Suspense, to me, there is no greater compliment.

Where’s your favorite place to write?

Crazily enough, I love to write in bed, propped up with pillows, with my laptop.  Something about my bedroom is so soothing.  I know, it’s weird, but I’ve never been a “desk” kind of girl!

If you could have lunch with one of your characters who would it be and why?

Hector, Bridget’s best friend.  He’s hilarious and I feel like we’d have an awesome time shopping together.

What are you working on now?

I just finished revisions on my next project TEN, a stand alone horror novel about ten teens trapped on an island with a serial killer.  I wanted to do something creepy and chilling, but without paranormal elements, kind of a throw back to Lois Duncan, Christopher Pike and the scary books that kept me up at night when I was a teen, convinced that every creak of the house was a hooded madman wielding and ax who was coming to get me!

TEN is scheduled for Fall 2012, also with Balzer + Bray.

You can visit Gretchen on her website or follow her on twitter.