It was a big week for summer shows as 3 of the season’s biggest finally hit our screens. Only 2 of them are scripted, so we thought it fitting to include them in this week’s Hypable Honors.

Teen Wolf and True Blood returned to screens this week, and while we are anxious to see more, we were reminded of why we love these shows as much as we do. Scott’s pack has changed a lot over the last couple of seasons, but his current group of supernatural odds and ends has us more excited than ever to see where this season will take us. While True Blood’s current situation is looking a lot bleaker, we are also excited to see how they will pull out all the stops in its final season and leave us all reminded of why we loved it in the first place.

Check out who we thought deserved Hypable Honors below, and let us know who you thought was particularly great this week in the comments!

Hypable Honors

Show: ‘Teen Wolf’

Actor: Shelley Hennig

Love her or hate her, Malia is definitely going to shake things up this season on Teen Wolf. In her first episode as a card-carrying member of Scott’s pack, Shelley Hennig brought the badass, and she brought it fiercely. It’s nice to see Kira and Malia taking up the role of Stiles’ protector when Scott isn’t around, but it’s her lack of a filter due to her years as an actual coyote that has us cracking up.

Whether she is dancing with Kira or chasing enemies in the desert, Shelley Hennig kicked off season 4 with a bang. Her chemistry with Dylan O’Brien brings back some of the funny, light-hearted energy from earlier seasons, and we can’t wait to see more.

Her and Stiles’ relationship is bound to get complicated this season, but we really adore his role as her coyote-to-human transition coach. Malia needs someone to teach her how to be a human again, and as Stiles has an abundance of experience trying to retain humanity in the face of trouble, who could possibly be better suited?

Via: tumblr


Show: ‘Chasing Life’

Actor: Aisha Dee

Chasing Life has a lot going for it. It’s a fresh entrant in the litany of sick-girl-discovers-the-world types of stories, but it’s the characters surrounding April that make the show a truly fresh breath of air. Her family and co-workers keep the story from becoming monotonous, and one of its brightest stars is Aisha Dee.

Every main character needs a best friend type to keep her in line. Aisha Dee’s character, Beth, does that in spades for April, but she also manages to keep us laughing in the face of all the sadness of April’s predicament. Whether she’s quitting her thankless job at the coffee house or regaling us with sordid tales of her latest lust-capades, Beth is one of our favorites and we have Aisha Dee to thank for bringing her to life.

Via: tumblr

Also Noteworthy

Show: ‘True Blood’

Actor: Anna Paquin

True Blood has returned to our screens for its final romp through Bon Temps, and Anna Paquin was particularly touching in the season 7 premiere. She has always had trouble reconciling with people’s thoughts as they judge her freely in their heads, but it was her outburst at church in the final scene in the episode that wowed us. She seems to be done playing games. She’s ready to do whatever she can to make things right for her town, and that is something we can respect.

Anna Paquin’s Sookie Stackhouse has been the center of the True Blood universe since the outset, but now that she is taking on such blatant dislike full force we are excited to see where this final season will take her character.