Now that we’ve selected which relationships will represent your favorite shows, it’s time to put them head to head in a battle to the death! …Kind of. Find out which shows are battling which, and vote in the very first BattleShip.

The Numbers

For those of you interested in numbers, take a look at how your shows ranks with user votes. In a surprising turn of events, Lizzie McGuire managed to fight its way to the top, even beating out the famous Friends ship of Ross and Rachel! Will they continue to hold their lead or will they fall victim to Claire and Peter from Heroes?

Lizzie & Gordo (911)
Cory & Topanga (842)
Buffy & Spike (614)
Ross & Rachel (608)
Lorelai & Luke (360)
Chuck & Sarah (339)
Jack & Ianto (339)
Chuck & Ned (298)
Piper & Leo (282)
Zoe & Wash (260)
JD & Turk (174)
Jack & Kate (164)
Clark & Lois (160)
House & Wilson (151)
Wesley & Fred (133)
Claire & Peter (128)

One thing that we found interesting was that Jack and Kate from Lost only beat out Charlie and Claire by TWO votes! This goes to show that anyone can win, and every vote counts.

The Tournament

Below is a breakdown of the face-offs you’ll encounter throughout the tournament. We’ll update this graphic after each winner is selected.

BattleShips: ‘Lizzie McGuire’ VS ‘Heroes’

The first BattleShip begins NOW! You have 48 hours to vote for your fandom/ship (poll closes this Sunday at 12 p.m. ET).

[poll id=”224″]

Introducing: Sudden Death

In the last BattleShips tournament, there were moments when a battle could be won by a mere 250 votes or less. With our Classic TV tournament, we thought we’d make things a bit more interesting when that type of situation occurs.

When a battle is won by a margin of 250 votes or less, a sudden death round will occur the next day where all votes will reset back to 0. A Sudden Death battle will only last six hours, so get rally up your fandom to get your ship to win!